40 Tips For Optimal Men's Health: From Morning Routine to Sleep Optimization (Ultimate Guide)

Our whole M.O here at Nads is optimizing men's health with our organic underwear. We want to protect our boys from exposure to the many environmental dangers out there in the world. 

But it doesn't start and end with your boxer shorts. Far from it.

Here's a list of more than 40 tips to optimize men's health for longevity, performance and quality of life!


Morning Routine

We all know that starting the day off right can make a world of difference in how we men feel and perform throughout the day. So, whether you're looking to boost your energy levels, enhance your overall well-being, or optimize your reproductive health, the morning is the perfect time to set the tone for a dominating day. 

Let's dive into some energizing and easy to implement morning routines that you can use to help kickstart your health, fitness, and general life goals.

Rise and Shine with Hydration

Before reaching for that cup of coffee, consider this: water is your body's best friend in the morning. After a night's sleep, your body is dehydrated, and replenishing your fluid levels should be a top priority.

A study published in The National Library of Medicine highlights the importance of starting your day with a glass of water to kickstart your metabolism and boost cognitive function. Your body will be thanking you for starting off the day with a refreshing glass of H20 before anything else. Bonus points if you throw in a pinch of mineral salt for added electrolytes. 

Get Moving 

Numerous studies have demonstrated the benefits of morning exercise. This article by Kristen Nunez, a health journalist with a Master of Science in nutrition, explains that engaging in physical activity in the morning can lead to improved mood and reduced stress levels.

At NADS, we’re all about healthy exercise.  Whether it's a brisk walk, a quick bodyweight workout, a little yoga, just getting your body moving in the AM can set a positive tone for the day. 

Fuel Your Body with a Nutrient-Packed Breakfast

We've all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and while a final verdict hasn’t been reached on that just yet, we do know one thing: if you do eat breakfast, make it nutrient dense. Consuming a nutrient packed breakfast can help with weight management, energy levels, and overall cognitive function.

Opt for a breakfast that includes a mix of protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates to keep you fueled and focused. Stay away from sugary cereals, artificial juices, and pancakes and waffles.

Want a quick example of a lean and mean meal to kick start the day? 2 pastured eggs, an avocado, half a cucumber, drizzed with some extra virgin olive oil and some mineral salt, with a handful of wild blueberries with some raw honey on the side. That’s morning power right there.

Meditation for Mental Clarity

Taking a few moments for a morning meditation can work wonders for your mental well-being. Research from JAMA Internal Medicine suggests that mindfulness and/or meditation can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.

It's a simple practice that can help you stay calm and collected in the face of life's challenges. Incorporating this into your morning routine will allow you to attack the day with a clear and focused mind. 

Prioritize Reproductive Health

For those of you looking to optimize your reproductive health, consider incorporating foods rich in antioxidants, like berries and leafy greens, into your morning routine. Antioxidants help combat oxidative stress (which negatively impact sperm quality.)

Studies have shown that antioxidants can enhance sperm count and improve sperm motility. To sum it up, antioxidants will do nothing but positively impact your swimmers.

What better way to start your day than doing something to treat your boys? (And if you are really looking to optimize reproductive health, consider waking up in a pair of our certified organic, non-GMO cotton garments).  

Cold Shower Therapy

While it might not be the most pleasurable experience in the beginning, taking a cold shower in the morning can be a game-changer.

A study published by UCLA Health suggests that cold exposure can improve mood, increase metabolism, and even boost your immune system. It's a surefire way to jolt your system awake! You can start this routine slowly, with only 30 seconds of cold water, and progressively increase exposure over time. 

The point is, guys, mastering the morning is key to a productive day. Your morning routine can be a powerful tool for enhancing your overall health and well-being.

Whether you're looking to boost your energy levels, reduce stress, or optimize your reproductive health, these simple but effective morning routines will help you achieve your goals. 

Make the most of your mornings for a healthier and happier life.



a deep dive into the world of hydration. Whether you're shooting for PR’s at the gym, optimizing your reproductive health, or simply looking to feel flat out better, adequate hydration is a must.

Proper hydration is one of the key components to any proper health foundation. Let’s look at why high-mineral salt water, electrolyte tabs, magnesium supplementation, and your choice of water source matter. Plus, we'll uncover why immediately starting your day with a glass of H2O is a game-changer. 


You might not have heard of this one, but high-mineral salt water is a total game-changer for your hydration game.

Imagine regular water on steroids – it's packed with essential minerals like potassium, calcium, and magnesium that your body needs for adequate replenishment.

These minerals help your body absorb water more effectively, keeping you hydrated longer. A teaspoon of mineral salt (our favorites are Redmond and Celtic) in your water will do the trick. 


Magnesium is one of the unsung heros of our health. It's involved in hundreds of biochemical reactions in the body, including those that regulate muscle and nerve function. Did you know it's also essential for water balance?

When you supplement with magnesium, you help your body retain the water it needs to keep you feeling and performing your best. Magnesium also plays a critical role in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

According to a study by ScienceDirect, people living in towns with high-magnesium water have lower rates of stroke deaths and heart attacks than do those living in areas with low-magnesium water levels.


When you're sweating buckets after a killer workout or a hard day's work, it's not just water you're losing – it's precious electrolytes.

That's where electrolyte tabs come to the rescue. Think of them like a one-two punch of hydration.

They not only help you rehydrate but also replenish the electrolytes your body loses during intense physical activity. Similar concept here to the mineral salt, but slightly different.


When it comes to hydration, water source matters more than you might think.

While tap water is safe (using that word lightly here) it likely contains contaminants or an overaly abudnant-mineral content that could impact its taste.

Most tap water contains fluoride, BPA, microplastics, and other compounds you don’t want in your water source. Tap water gets our vote of ‘the worst’.

Spring water is typically a much better option, as it usually is free of the toxic load carried in tap water.

That said, majority of spring water comes in plastic containers, that often sit out in the sun, causing BPA and microplastics to leach into the water, and thus, into the consumer.

Opt for glass containers whenever possible. Spring water gets our vote of ‘better’. 

Filtered water, on the other hand, is likely the best choice. It's your best bet at having water that is as close to free of contaminants as possible.

A good filter can remove any impurities while preserving essential minerals. It’s job is to ensure that you're getting the purest form of hydration possible.

In fact, an article written in Healthline explained that filtered water was consistently the best choice for optimal hydration due to its purity. That said, be wary of water filters, not all are created equally.

Opt for a reverse osmosis filter if possible (although pricy, they are worth the investment)! Filtered water gets our vote of ‘best’. 

Side note- if you live in an area with a notoriously toxic water supply, you’ll ideally want to toss a water filter on your bathroom sink and your shower.

Watch the impact it has on your skin, it’s huge. Here’s our two favorite for those uses. Shower filter from Jolie. Sink filter from Filterbaby.


What has been drilled into our heads our whole lives is the importance of breakfast to kick-start our day. Questionable. True power lies in a cup of morning h2O right after waking. It's the ultimate body reboot.

After a long night's rest, your body is in need of hydration, and a glass of water first thing in the morning can kickstart your metabolism and help flush out toxins. Bonus points to toss in some mineral salt as mentioned above.

A study published in the National Library of Medicine highlighted the positive effects of water intake on metabolism and energy expenditure. It showed that drinking water in the morning increased metabolic rate by 24% for 60 minutes. Best way to set your metabolism up for success for the day? Water upon waking. 

So there you have it – your ultimate guide for peak hydration. From mineral salt water to magnesium supplements, choose your hydration arsenal wisely. And remember, the quality of your water source matters more than you think.


Diet: Detoxing and Resetting Your Health With Nutrition 

It’s no secret that both natural and synthetic chemicals enter our bodies through our skin, lungs, and digestive systems. In our modern environment, as saturated as it is with harmful chemicals,  (found in everyday items from cling wrap, to ziploc bags, to take-out containers & utensils & more) it can be difficult to avoid these hazards all together.

Broadly speaking, most of these chemicals fall under a category called “endocrine disruptors;” substances that disrupt the body’s natural hormonal systems that regulate testosterone, progesterone, estrogen, insulin, cortisol, and appetite control. When these hormones go out of whack, you’re going to feel it – BIG TIME.

Common symptoms of a possible hormonal imbalance include things like brain-fog, constipation, anxiety, depression, weight gain, bloating, difficulty sleeping, chronic stress, hair loss, and more.

For men specifically, when we throw off our oh-so-precious T levels, we end up with decreased strength, muscle loss, brain fog, fatigue, decreased sex drive, lower sperm count, and even erectile dysfunction. Very bad, indeed.

Now for the good news.

While we should always try to avoid exposure to endocrine disruptors altogether (which we discuss in other blog posts), we know sometimes it’s just not feasible to do so across the board.

But it turns out that there’s a host of dietary changes (alongside the other tips we've already mentioned in this article) that you can implement right now to counter the effects of environmental endocrine disruptors and set your body on a detoxifying trajectory.

We’ve condensed some of these into a workable list that you can start doing today


Add probiotics to your diet, which help support digestive bacteria to metabolize excess hormones. Common probiotic-rich foods include kefir, yogurt, fermented vegetables, even kombucha. Always opt for dairy from grass fed sources! 

Eat Organic Foods

Eat organic foods as much as you can. Organic foods are a surefire way to avoid pesticides and synthetic hormones. If your wallet wants to argue on this, just refer back to the list of adverse consequences above – is the disaster wrecked upon your physical, mental, and sexual health really worth the few dollars you’d save by continuing to eat processed foods and pesticide-riddled veggies? We think not.

Eat Enough Fiber

Fiber is your friend. Fiber has been shown to increase the activity of the antioxidant and detox enzymes in your liver. Start incorporating fiber rich foods into your daily nourishment. Think cooked vegetables, avocados, pomegranates, berries, and other fruits as a starting point.

Drink Filtered Water

Drink filtered or spring water. Though some states in the U.S. score better in this regard, fertilizers, pesticides, sewer overflow, and other toxic compounds still find their way into our tap water. Stick to filtered water or spring water and avoid drinking water from plastic bottles as much as possible.

This is by no means an exhaustive nutrition list, but it’s a great start to building the awareness, and quite frankly the discipline, needed to put your well-being FIRST in a toxic world that’s seemingly hell-bent on the destruction of your health and livelihood.


Technology: Unplugging your Screen to Unwind For Optimal Men's Health

Now, let's talk tech. We’re an e-commerce brand, so we LOVE tech and are truly grateful for it. But today we need to discuss the power that lies within deliberately unplugging from the tech that runs our lives and the world.

It’s no secret that our modern lives are built around tech. Personal, professional, and everything in between, tech is highly involved.

It’s safe to say that we're all guilty of indulging in our screens and devices more often than we should.

I’m buried in my screen right now writing this from 40,000 feet up, while bouncing back and forth from phone to seat-back TV watching Sportscenter. I get it. (Thanks FlyFi)

While technology has undoubtedly brought us some amazing advancements, it's more important than ever to consciously build a balance between our virtual lives and the real world, especially when it comes to our emotional and mental health.


How too Much Tech Can Affect Men's Health

Alright let’s jump into technology-life balance and how it affects your testosterone production, hormone optimization, stress levels, and the over-stimulation of your central nervous system. 



We know the power of Testosterone by now, as discussed in this post , this post, and this post.  But ironically, the means of education through the digital age can mess with your testosterone levels. Check this post out from Lumes Eyewear on bluelight exposure and its impact. It’s looking like the more you stare at that screen, the more it can mess with your libido and hormonal balance.



We're not just talking about testosterone here. Your whole hormone system can go haywire when you're glued to your devices. The blue light emitted by screens can disrupt your circadian rhythm, interfering with the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep. Poor sleep quality can wreak havoc on your hormonal balance. Research from the National Sleep Foundation indicates that people who use screens right before bedtime have a harder time falling asleep. Old news. But this sleep disturbance can result in hormonal imbalances, including increased stress hormone levels. Read our post on why sleep is KING here. 



Now, let's talk about the stress factor. Prolonged exposure to screens, be it from work or scrolling through social media, can trigger some serious stress. High screen time is associated with increased levels of perceived stress. This stress response can have a cascading effect on your health, leading to increased cortisol (the stress hormone) and decreased testosterone. We know what cortisol does to T-levels from this post



Your central nervous system is like a finely tuned engine. Overstimulating it with the constant bombardment of digital content can lead to burnout. This over-stimulation can negatively impact your concentration, mood, and overall well-being. Burnout is no joke, trust me. Research published in the National Library of Medicine revealed that excessive screen time can lead to cognitive fatigue and impair the ability to focus. This over-stimulation can leave you feeling drained and stressed. 


The Solution For Balancing Tech With Men's Health

Now that we've talked about the problem, let's get into the solution. 



    Limit your screen time. Create boundaries by designating tech-free hours in your day, especially before you go off to sleep. Spend quality time with family, friends, and in nature. Get outside, daily natural sunlight is literally life changing. 



    Use blue light filters on your devices, especially in the evening. This can help protect your circadian rhythm and improve your sleep quality. 



    Practice mindfulness and meditation to reduce stress. If you're an avid NADS reader, you know how much we stress the importance of incorporating mindfulness and meditation practices daily. These techniques can help you unwind and maintain your emotional well-being.



    Regular exercise can help maintain healthy hormone levels, including testosterone. Incorporate workouts into your routine to boost your hormone production, and leave the screens at home or in a locker during your sessions. You’re there to train, not scroll.  

It's time to unplug and regain control of your emotional and mental health.

The technology-life balance is a critical aspect of overall wellness & vitality, and it directly affects your testosterone production, stress levels, and your central nervous system.

Strike that balance, and unleash your inner beast for a healthier, happier you. Moving on..


Air Quality

Let’s talk about the room you’re sitting in right now.

Unless you’re currently on a beach in the Seychelles (you lucky dog), there’s a good chance that you’re breathing polluted air.

You read that right. We’ve discussed the harmful effects of toxic chemicals in previous posts, but have primarily covered the issue of skin contact with products containing toxins, xenoestrogens, etc. So let’s branch out a little bit.

Today we’re going to be talking about air quality.


Why is Air Quality Important For Your Health?

It’s estimated that the average human being spends 90% of his or her time inside of a building. When we think of air pollution, we think of smog-infested cities like LA, or Delhi.

But indoor air pollution is on the rise as well, and the World Health Organization estimates that every year, 3.8 million people die prematurely from chemical exposure through indoor air pollution.

Basically, there’s a good chance that merely existing in the building you’re in right now is detrimental to your health and well being. Yikes.

There are a vast number of products that contribute to indoor air pollution, but some of the main culprits include building materials, insulation, household cleaning items, carpeting, curtains, bed sheets, seat coverings, and of course, inorganic clothing (we can help you with that one).


Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

Now don’t get us wrong–we’re big fans of organic products (obviously). But the rise of indoor air pollution is in part caused by the fact that organic compounds in everyday items can generate harmful gasses that build up and become concentrated in the average home, in both rural and industrial areas.

These are called Volatile Organic Compounds, or VOCs, which are gasses emitted from various organic solids and liquids.

Examples of some of these products, think: paints, varnishes, wax, cleaning and disinfecting chemicals, cosmetics, degreasing chemicals, hobby products and fuels, office equipment, even dry-cleaned clothing–all of which contain organic compounds in their makeups, and can release those compounds in gas form when they are used, and even when stored.

These VOCs lead to a host of adverse health effects, including: eye, nose, and throat irritation; headaches and nausea; liver, kidney, and CNS damage; allergic skin reaction; fatigue; dizziness . . . the list goes on.

In short, VOCs are bad news.

But wait, there’s more . . .


Ozone (No, not that one)

Ozone is also a problem. Not the good ozone that exists in the atmosphere and which protects us from harmful UV rays.

We’re talking about the bad ozone, the type that smog is made of, and which makes its way indoors during the Summer months, which we’re currently right in the middle of.

Scientists are only beginning to learn about the effects of indoor ozone, and conducted a recent study seeking to understand the effect it has when interacting with household items–in this case, our clothing.

Curiously, the study found that dirty clothes actually REDUCE indoor ozone levels, but that it comes at a cost to general human health (little paradox action eh?).

The reason for this: dirty clothes contain human skin oils, which are often composed of fatty acids, wax esters, and squalene, all substances that absorb and remove ozone (especially squalene).

In a process called squalene ozonolysis, the ozone is removed, but new VOCs are produced as a byproduct, such as carbonyls that can irritate the skin and the lungs.

And while breathing in ozone is of course bad for your health, leaving dirty clothes around to remove ozone isn’t an ideal solution, due to the skin and lung irritants produced as a byproduct of ozone depletion, and also because it’d be gross and weird to do that.

To combat the effects of ozone indoors, you can do things like isolate dirty laundry to a less-used room of the house that people don’t usually frequent; open windows and doors when the weather permits; and turn on exhaust fans.

Additionally, ozone can be reduced by eliminating synthetic cleaning compounds, and by choosing building materials that are certified as green (for a more in-depth look at what you can do to reduce indoor ozone, look here).


Another Solution? Switch to Organic Clothing

Now, we’re not necessarily scientists, but we’re going to recommend adding in another approach on top of the ones listed above: switch to organic clothing.

Why? Because it’s more breathable, meaning less buildup of skin oils over the course of the day, which in turn might mean less production of VOCs.

We don’t have a full fledged lab to test that theory out at the moment, but since we’re caught between a rock and hard place with either breathing in ozone, or its byproduct VOCs, it’s worth a shot until big science can prove us right or wrong.

If you want to test it out for yourself, here’s a good place to start. Let us know how you feel afterward.


Nature and the Great Outdoors

Now, we're delving deep into a topic that resonates profoundly with every man who aspires to elevate his mental and physical prowess – the profound connection between nature and man.

As steadfast proponents of both simple and comprehensive health strategies, we're setting out on a profound expedition (metaphorical, for now) into the untamed wilderness, unearthing the scientifically substantiated benefits it bestows upon your health, fitness, and unconquerable spirit. Here we go…


Embracing the Wild: Urban Landscape vs. Natural Frontier 

While the urban hustle has its allure, let's not deny the primal allure of the great outdoors that resonates with a man's essence. Research not only echoes this sentiment but validates it. 

Scientific studies reveal that dedicating time to outdoor activities yields remarkable enhancements in mental resilience. Whether you're scaling mountain peaks or trailblazing through forests, nature has a therapeutic power to disarm stress and anxiety. 


Conquest of Mind and Terrain: The Unyielding Bond

Picture yourself stealthily treading through dense woodlands, each step a testament to your precision, every rustle of leaves heightening your senses. This is more than mere physical exertion; it's about embracing your primal instincts and fully immersing yourself in the present moment. Imbibing the essence of nature not only decreases cortisol (the stress hormone) levels but also elevates your mood, igniting the fire within.


Sunlight: The Battle Cry of Vitamin D

Behold the radiant sun – its significance extends far beyond the sandy shores. Allowing its rays to touch your skin leads to the creation of one of the most potent defenses against vulnerability – vitamin D. This essential nutrient goes beyond supporting bones; it's interwoven with mental well-being, fostering a strength of mind. Research highlights a link between low vitamin D levels and depression and anxiety. So make sure to welcome the sun's unfiltered embrace as it vitalizes you and fortifies your defenses.


Elevated Battles: Unleashing Physical Dominance

Beyond mental conquest, let's look at the physical. Whether you're grappling with the elements on a rock-climbing ascent or surging through rugged trails, outdoor endeavors serve as the crucible wherein your strength and endurance are tested.

The flood of testosterone after dominating an intense outdoor physical activity isn't coincidental; it's your body proclaiming, "I am unstoppable". There’s something about that primal surge in nature that you just can’t quite recreate in the gym.


Embracing Rest and Resurgence through Nature's Guidance

Rest is the cornerstone of a warrior's vitality. Nature assumes a pivotal role here as well. Exposure to natural light during daylight hours fine-tunes your body's circadian rhythm, ensuring you're primed for restorative slumber come nightfall.

Your triumphs in the wilderness also pave the way for profound, revitalizing sleep. Sleep is more than repose; it signifies recovery, renewal, and resurgence, and is crucial for optimizing testosterone production.


Harmonizing Nature's Influence and Personal Growth

It’s time to re-prioritize the need to get out into the wild and explore the remarkable potential that nature holds to enhance your overall well-being. As advocates for holistic masculinity, we encourage you to answer nature's call.

From reducing stress and enhancing sleep to connecting to your inner primal self, the great outdoors is an unmatched space for self-discovery and improvement.

As you embrace the path ahead, remember that your legacy is a testament to your growth and alignment with both your inner self and the world around you.


Sleep Optimization

A topic that's not only crucial for your everyday performance but also plays a significant role in enhancing your vitality and testosterone levels – sleep optimization.

That's right, a good night's sleep isn't just about feeling rested; it's about unlocking your true potential. So, kick back and let's explore the connection between sleep, testosterone, and overall vitality. 


Quality Matters

Life is fast-paced and full of responsibilities. Things come up, and it’s easy to let our ideal sleep schedule become nothing more than just that: ideal. Unfortunately, skimping on sleep does more harm than you might realize.

As you know by now, not getting enough sleep is an issue, of course. But did you know that you can still get enough sleep (7-9 hours), but not be actually reaping the benefits? Think quantity versus quality.

Poor sleep quality has been linked to a laundry list of health issues, ranging from obesity and diabetes to heart disease and even decreased cognitive function. Just click here to find the whole list of downfalls of a poor night's sleep.

But here's something that’ll grab your attention – sleep is deeply connected to your testosterone levels. 


The Testosterone Connection

As we’ve covered in previous blogs, testosterone isn't just about muscles and masculinity. Yes we can all agree that’s an important piece of the T puzzle, testosterone is a vital hormone that influences numerous aspects of health, including mood, energy levels, and, yes, sexual function.

Studies continue to show a clear link between sleep and testosterone production. In fact, a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that young, healthy men who slept for only five hours a night experienced a 10-15% decrease in testosterone levels. Less sleep=less testosterone. 

Scary, right?

You might be wondering, "How does sleep impact testosterone production?" Well, let's break it down. During the rapid eye movement (REM) stage of sleep, which is when dreams occur, your body's production of testosterone peaks.

Thus, disrupting this REM stage (bright lights, alarms, external noises, substance usage & more) can lead to decreased testosterone levels.

This not only affects your physical performance but can also dampen your mood, motivation, and overall internal fire. 

So, yes, there is a direct link between sleep and testosterone. Let’s look at steps we can take to improve sleep quality and become students of the sleeping game:


Create a Sleep-Conducive Environment

Make your sleep space a sanctuary. We are dedicated to giving our boys the most optimal set-up downstairs with our organic underwear. Treat the rest of your body with the same luxury.

Keep your sleep space dark, quiet, and comfortably cool. We’ve seen 68 degrees as the optimal sleep temperature for your environment. 

For those who want to really get their sleep dialed in, check out our favorite sleep optimization products from our friends at Dream Recovery. We swear by the 3D sleep mask and the mouth tape. Talk about game changers. 


Consistent Sleep Schedule

Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This helps regulate your body's internal clock, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up naturally.

Mastering your sleep schedule is wildly challenging when you’re grinding and constantly on-the-go, but when it’s locked in, the power that comes with it is insane. It’s like the limitless pill.


Cut Down Screen Time

Electronics are great, they enable us to have a business. We’re grateful for them. However, make sure you aren’t falling into the trap of using your phone, tablet, or computer immediately before getting some shut eye.

Blue light exposure can interfere with your body's production of melatonin, the pivotal sleep hormone. Avoid screens at least an hour before bedtime.

To learn more about the effects of the blue light, check out this article written by sleep medicine physician Dr. Abhinav Singh.

If you can use red lights or candlelight before bed and avoid the standard bright lights in the house, bonus points there.

If you wake up in the middle of the night, try not to turn those bright lights on, or your body will think it’s go time for the day. Check out Huberman’s podcasts on light exposure, there’s a ton of them.


Mindful Eating

In a perfect world, 2 hours of no eating before bed will enable your digestive system to take a break, and in turn, your entire system can rest while you sleep.

Sometime’s that can be a challenge, so we’d recommend trying to keep it light and avoid heavy carbs and spicy foods before bed if you do need to get some late night nourishment.


Exercise Regularly

As you may know, we preach daily exercise here at NADS- Train hard, rest hard. Among a plethora of other benefits, engaging in regular physical activity can improve sleep quality.

However, try to finish your workout at least a few hours before bedtime to allow your body to wind down. If you train hard during the day, you should be even more tired and prone to falling asleep easily at night. 


Stress Management 

Everyone has different ways of relaxing. Practice various relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or gentle yoga to ease your mind before bed. Find out which technique you prefer the most and use it daily.

We’re big proponents of what we call ‘Thinkitating’, which is like meditation but with no gentle pull back to center.

Just let your thoughts run their natural course with no steering of the ship, while sitting still, upright, head NOT supported, with no external stimulation (music, tv, lights, etc.)

By cutting the mental stimulation out, you prime your mind for theta state right before bed and allow your brain to just process the day’s traffic.

Then you just drop right into your slumber in a smooth transition. Give it a shot before bed tonight, bet you will feel incredible the next morning. 

There you have it, guys – a solid sleep routine isn't just about catching some Z's; it's about boosting your vitality, supporting healthy testosterone levels, and overall well-being. Remember, sleep is not a luxury – it is a necessity.

Prioritizing your sleep schedule will be a game changer as you continue your journey towards optimal health. Let's make those small but impactful changes in our daily and nightly routines and watch as our energy, mood, and masculinity reach new heights.

The Last Word on Men's Health

We know there's a lot to unpack here and perfection is impossible, but the more of these lifestyle changes we can strive to implement in our lives as men, the better we can optimize our health and live life to the fullest!