Balance Male Hormones Naturally: The Ultimate Hormone Optimization Guide For Men

Today, we’re going to take a look at the role hormones play in your journey towards overall well-being and an optimal life. By the end of this, you should have a better understanding of how to start naturally balancing your hormones and improving your life.

On the journey towards an optimal state, men's health goes beyond just physical fitness. It encompasses an interplay of hormones that influence everything from energy levels to muscle mass, mood, reproductive health, and more.

NADS is committed to arming you with natural strategies that support hormonal harmony, ensuring that you truly thrive. In this post, we'll delve into the key aspects of achieving hormonal balance through food, lifestyle choices, and general testosterone enabling tips & tricks. Let’s get into it.

The Hormonal Landscape

Let's get one thing straight: Understanding the hormonal landscape within your body is key to optimizing your health. By now we all know that one of the key players in overall health is testosterone, AKA the "king of hormones." It influences muscle growth, bone density, sex drive, and much more. In short, learning how to optimize your testosterone will do wonders for your overall well being. 

Given its importance, we’d be doing you a disservice not providing a few super basic tips and tricks to boost T levels naturally. For starters, make water your beverage of choice.

Proper hydration is essential for hormone transport and overall bodily functions. Avoid excessive alcohol consumption, as it can suppress testosterone levels, increase cortisol production, and it’s incredibly dehydrating. This one’s a crucial one: incorporate more fat in your diet.

Not talking about big macs or kraft singles here. But healthy fats are your allies. Think grass fed beef, grass fed butter/ghee, extra virgin olive oil, wild caught fish, avocados, etc. 

A study in the "Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology" highlights the importance of dietary fats for testosterone synthesis. (**Not medical advice, just some suggestions, we are not docs, but we know a thing or two.)

Now, let's talk about three easy adjustments you can make to your diet to fuel hormonal balance: 

Nutrient-Rich Diet: This is pretty obvious, but a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients supports hormonal health. We’re big fans of the ancestral way of life, and truly believe that getting optimal nutrients through food is best achieved through eating what our ancestors ate: foods from the Earth. Grass fed beef, pastured poultry, wild caught fish, organs,  fruits, vegetables (cooked), you know the drill. Little rule we live by:  it’s in packaging, be weary. 


Magnesium for T Levels: Magnesium deficiency has been linked to lower testosterone levels. Magnesium is tough to get due to soil depletion, so we’d recommend a high quality magnesium supplement from a reputable brand. Remember, not all supplements are created equally. Here are our favorite brands: Pure Encapsulations, Designs For Health, Bioptimizers


Crucial Vitamin D: Vitamin D is a known regulator of testosterone production. It also helps with quite literally everything. Get outdoors and soak up some UNFILTERED rays. 

Not too hard, right? So far so good. Taking it a step further, here are three simple lifestyle hacks that promote hormonal balance. 


Quality Sleep: Sleep is a powerful regulator of hormones. Find out how much sleep you need personally. Test it, don’t set an alarm and wake when your body wakes you. Bet you will feel incredible during the day. Achieving quality sleep night after night is probably the best thing you can do to become as close to superman as possible. It’s the secret weapon to optimizing T levels.


Regular Exercise: Engaging in regular physical activity, including both resistance training and cardiovascular exercise, can stimulate testosterone release. Take a look at this article published in the National Library of Medicine that investigates the relationship between exercise and hormonal health. Train hard, rest hard. 


Stress Management: Chronic stress leads to elevated cortisol levels, which can negatively impact hormonal balance. Incorporating stress management techniques like meditation, deep breathing, and mindfulness into your life will improve your hormones but also just make you a happier human. 

Hormonal harmony is not a distant goal; it's a tangible reality that you can achieve through conscious choices and natural strategies. NADS is here to support you in every step of your journey towards optimal health. Let’s keep taking small steps towards unlocking our true potential. 

Let's go a bit deeper into the more important factors:

Nutrition For Optimal Hormones in Men

we're diving deep into the world of nutrition and how making smart dietary choices supercharges your vitality. In particular, we will be honing in on the connection between dietary choices and hormone optimization.

Let's get into it.

Understanding the Testosterone Connection

First things first, let's talk testosterone. Testosterone plays a pivotal role in major bodily functions including (but not limited to) muscle growth, energy levels, mood regulation, cardiovascular health, and more. As we know by now from these posts, testosterone is a driving force in all life functions. But here's the kicker: our modern lifestyles and diets can lead to serious imbalances in this essential hormone. That's where smart dietary choices come into play and carry some serious weight.

Anti-Testosterone Foods and Chemicals

Studies have shown that certain foods and chemicals can have a negative impact on testosterone levels. Let’s take a look at three key areas to consider:

Avoid Processed Foods: When we think of processed foods, we often picture a ready-to-go, pre-made meal that can be quickly heated up in the microwave. In reality, the list of processed foods ranges from breakfast cereals to cheese and beyond. Processed foods are often loaded with unhealthy trans fats, sugar, and other additives that wreak havoc on hormone balance. A study published in The National Library of Medicine found a direct link between high consumption of processed foods and lower testosterone levels in men. In short, more processed junk, less testosterone.  

A quick excerpt from our recent blog post Hormonal Harmony, “Nutrient-Rich Diet: This is pretty obvious, but a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients supports hormonal health. We’re big fans of the ancestral way of life, and truly believe that getting optimal nutrients through food is best achieved through eating what our ancestors ate: foods from the Earth. Grass fed beef, pastured poultry, wild caught fish, organs, fruits, vegetables (cooked), you know the drill. Little rule we live by:  it’s in packaging, be weary.”

Ditch Plastic Containers: We started NADS because we want men to have the ability to choose underwear that frees their boys of chemical harm. However, the same toxins that can be found in your clothing are also in your tupperware! Many plastic containers and bottles contain chemicals like BPA (Bisphenol A), phthalates, and PFC’s. If you're an avid NADS reader, you know just how dangerous these toxins can be(exposure to these chemicals has been linked to erectile dysfunction!). Research published in the Endocrine Society has linked exposure to these chemicals with decreased testosterone levels. To reduce your exposure, opt for glass or stainless steel containers for food and water storage. And if you’re like us and want to take it a step further, check out our organic garments. Your nuts will thank you.

Cut Back on Alcohol: Excessive alcohol consumption can have a detrimental effect on testosterone levels. Heavy drinking can lead to reduced testosterone production and impaired testicular function. Alcohol can inhibit sleep quality, cognition, and cause a negative cascade of effects that all contribute to decreasing T levels. Check out this article by Healthline for reference. Moderation is key here, guys. 

Pretty straightforward, right?

Remember, your health is a serious investment, and making the right dietary choices today will pay off in the future. Nutrition is a fundamental pillar of well-being, and making smart dietary choices can significantly impact your testosterone levels and overall health.


Mindfulness and Meditation for Hormone Optimisation

There are countless articles and studies that explore how mindfulness and meditation play a significant role in boosting testosterone levels and supporting men's health, as well as promote mental clarity and emotional resilience. Let's explore the connections between mindfulness, meditation, testosterone production, and overall well-being.

Quick highlight on the difference between mindfulness and meditation for the purpose of this post:

Mindfulness - The practice of being fully aware and accepting of the present moment, fostering emotional resilience and heightened awareness throughout daily activities. Think: being present & grateful during daily life activities.   

Meditation - Involves structured mental training to achieve calmness, focus, and self-awareness, offering a dedicated time for contemplation, relaxation, and introspection. Think: sitting for a focused meditation session.

1. Mindfulness and Stress Reduction

The findings from a study done in 2012 show that individuals who completed an 8-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course demonstrated decreased cortisol levels. Additionally, the individuals experienced enhanced sleep quality and self-awareness of mindfulness, highlighting the positive impacts of mindfulness practice on stress regulation and sleep patterns.

Stress has a direct impact on testosterone production, as chronic stress can lead to increased cortisol levels, which, in turn, suppress testosterone. By incorporating mindfulness practices into daily routines, men can start to effectively manage stress and improve testosterone production.

2. Meditation and Testosterone Levels

This study looked at the effects of meditation and it’s impact on hormone levels in response to stress. After 4 months, the meditation participants had lower stress hormone levels and better responses to stress, suggesting that meditation can help reverse the effects of chronic stress and improve overall health.

Light-bulb moment!

How so? Well, meditation promotes relaxation and decreases the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol kills testosterone. Meditation kills cortisol. Less cortisol = higher testosterone production.

3. Mindfulness and Emotional Well-being

In addition to their impact on hormone levels, mindfulness practices have also been linked to enhanced emotional well-being. Mindfulness and meditation practices both have been found to lead to decreased anxiety and depression, and an increase in mental clarity and calmness.

Emotional well-being is crucial for overall health, as it can influence various aspects of life, including relationships, work performance, and physical health. By adopting mindfulness practices, men can better navigate the challenges of daily life and cultivate a more positive and capable outlook. 

The bottom line: mindfulness and meditation are a powerful combination for improving overall health, well-being, and performance. By reducing stress and promoting emotional balance, these practices can positively impact testosterone production, which as you know by now, is vital to bodily functions of everyday life.

At NADS, we understand the significance of holistic health, and we strongly encourage our community to explore the benefits of mindfulness and meditation as part of their journey towards optimal well-being. Remember, just a few minutes each day can make a world of difference. The compound effect is nuts. No pun intended. Maybe some pun intended.


TRT: is it an Option?

Let's talk about the normalization of testosterone replacement therapy amongst young men and the risks associated.

(Disclaimer! We are not doctors, we do not claim to be, and this is NOT medical advice.)

There’s a lot of talk about Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) right now. On one hand, the level of our exposure to environmental chemicals and toxins becomes increasingly understood year by year, and TRT is a proposed method for counteracting those harmful effects.

On the other hand, there is a lot of hype around fitness, and in the more-competitive-than-ever dating market, men seek physique advice from both pro and bro bodybuilders, many of which take some form of hormonal pharmaceutical (most commonly TRT).

Here at NADS, we are a bit torn on this issue: we’re all about taking precautionary or counteracting measures to balance the harmful effects of chemical toxins.

But, in keeping with our tried-and-true ethos of turning to the natural environment for solutions to unnatural hormonal deficiencies, we won't advocate that every man should opt for another lab-made chemical.

With that said, let’s dig deep into this new type of treatment that may or may not solve the issues men face with hormonal imbalances.


The Pros of TRT

TRT is used to treat hypogonadism, a broad term that means the testes (gonads) are not producing enough T. Hypogonadism can result from a variety of factors, as with most conditions.

That being said, T levels already naturally decrease as men age- studies have shown that 1 out of 4 men above the age of 45 suffer from “low” testosterone. So a gradual decrease in T over time is quite natural. But I digress.

Low libido, erectile dysfunction, depression, fatigue, decreased muscle mass, hair loss, and increased body fat are some of the most common symptoms of hypogonadism. In order to get on TRT the legal way, blood tests must be completed. 

If blood work determines that hypogonadism is the culprit for the above (and other) symptoms, then TRT can be prescribed with a goal to rebuild T levels back up to their natural range, which for a healthy adult male typically falls within the 300 to 1,000 ng/dL (nanograms per deciliter) range.

Side note: TRT skin patches, mouth patches, gels, and injections all bypass the liver, making oral TRT delivery the harshest on the body.

Regardless of hypogonadism, TRT appeals to weightlifters because there is correlated research showing that it leads to an increase in strength. However, younger lifters looking to gain an edge over their peers in the gym by getting a “head-start” through TRT run the risk of experiencing adverse side effects. 

This study shows a link between high T levels in young men and lower sperm quality. TRT can increase sex drive, increase muscle gains, decrease body fat, boost confidence & reduce risk aversion (which just means that you’ll speak your mind more, and maybe approach that woman with more confidence).

All good, right?



Maybe not. Let’s get into the side effects.

For starters, we have to remember that TRT is a drug: hard to stop. Given the recent massive societal changes over the last few years, we need to ask ourselves whether or not a dependence on pharmaceutical corporations is in our best interests.

When/if the drug companies are no longer able to provide the prescribed dosage, dependence doesn’t just disappear. Then what?

Besides that, mass clinical trials have not been conducted yet with TRT–and it’ll probably be years before those happen. Some other potential risks include: benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), prostate cancer, sleep apnea, blood clots, and congestive heart failure.

We can’t forget the anecdotal evidence (“gym talk”) about the negative side effects like acne, estrogen spikes, hair loss (which is one the symptoms TRT is supposed to counter), gonad shrinkage, and an impact on fertility.

When weighing the cost/benefits of TRT (as well as the cost in dollars, which can range from $20 to $1,000 a month), keep in mind that TRT simply boosts T levels. It doesn’t actually treat the underlying issues, and so in order to maintain high T without addressing those issues, you’ll likely be on TRT for life.

That’s a less than idea setup.

The whole issue revolves around the uncertainty of the answer to the question of what now? First, we should all get blood work done–that’s a no-brainer. We all need to know what's really going on under the surface.

When asessing our own personal picture, i’s important to note that we must never play the comparison game. The jacked “alpha” dude with the ladies might be on TRT, but he also probably puts in a lot of hard work. 

TRT isn’t a way to get the results without the work. Those who get the full benefits of TRT are working really hard–in life and in the gym–and TRT is giving them that extra “oomph” to fully experience the RESULTS of that hard work.

Here’s our stance: we recommend maxing out the body’s natural potential before even thinking about going on TRT. Even if bloodwork comes back with a low T number, there are so many alternatives to exhaust before sounding the alarm and opting for the extreme of TRT.

There’s tons of reasons why T can be low, many of which we’ve covered in other posts on our blog. Lifestyle changes can serve to not only offset the effects of a hormone deficiency, but can actually raise testosterone levels in the process.

Eating right (organic whole foods), working out properly, taking over-the-counter supplements to make up for any nutritional deficiencies, and getting the right amount of sleep all should be the first step on the quest to raise T levels. A quick search will yield tons of articles to help; here’s a short one from Healthline that’s a pretty good place to start, as well as this one and this one from our own blog.

Bottom line: If it can be done naturally, do it naturally. Anything worth having in life requires hard work and sacrifice, so TRT should never be a replacement (no pun intended) for personal effort. TRT should be the last resort.

Everyone needs to make choices they deem best fit for themselves and their situation, but it’s imperative to learn as much as possible before rushing into a decision just because it’s been normalized.


So, fuel your body with the good stuff - inside and outside of your body and mind - and keep those testosterone levels up! Stay healthy, stay strong, and live life to the fullest.